Killer Carousel Example: Extra responsive carousel

Killer Carousel allows you change more than just carousel size based on the target device screen size.

For example, a fancy 3d carousel with shadows and reflections will work well on PCs and tablets, but on smaller devices like phones a simpler carousel might be better.

Extra responsive carousels are defined using profiles, which are basically groups of carousel properties that are selected based on page size.

In this example, a fancy 3d carousel is displayed when the page size is greater than 480 pixels. At less than 480 pixels, the carousel switches to basic 2d rendering better suited to narrow screens.

Salvator Mundi 1519
St. John the Baptist 1516
Lady with an Ermine 1490
St. Jerome in the Wilderness 1480
Head of a Woman 1508
St. John the Baptist 1516
The Virgin and Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist 1500
Madonna of the Yarnwinder 1507
The Virgin and Child with St. Anne 1508
Madonna of the Carnation 1480
La belle ferronnière 1496
Adoration of the Magi 1481
Portrait of a Musician 1490
Virgin of the Rocks 1486
Madonna of Laroque 1503
Benois Madonna 1478
Mona Lisa 1517
Portrait of a man in red chalk 1512
Ginevra de' Benci 1478
The Last Supper 1498
Annunciation 1475
The Battle of Anghiari 1505
Madonna Litta 1491


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